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Web Polls and Surveys


If you want to add some interactivity with your users, then adding polls and surveys may just be the answer. You can either download scripts and install them on your server; or if you are not comfortable with programming then you can use many hosted solutions. Some of the hosted solutions may display ads in most cases which is what keeps these services free.

No Ads, no spam, unlimtied Polls, 2 Graph Styles, very customizable,
copy + Page HTML, upto 10 Answers, support forums.


Global Guest - free web polls

Create free web polls and surveys for your webpages and let your visitors vote on their own opinion. Easily retrofits with your webpage and can be fully customized.

Go2poll is an online Free Remotely Hosted Poll Service. You can create your own multiple polls and easily plug them into your web site. Web Polls is an alternative way to increase hit rate to your site. Some features of Go2Poll are unlimited variants of answers for defined question,Unlimited polls per account, etc.

Free web polls and lots more here.





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